Marbling is the fine flecks of fat that appear within the muscles of red meat (also referred to as intramuscular fat). It is deposited unevenly throughout the body, with most present in the forequarter cuts.

What is marbling?
Marbling is the fine flecks of fat that appear within the muscles of beef and lamb (also referred to as
intramuscular fat). It is deposited unevenly
throughout the body and is most present in the forequarter cuts.
Marbling is the last fat to be deposited and hence is the first fat to be used by the animal as an energy store.
To maximise the marbling in beef, cattle must be on a highly nutritious diet - whether that be grass or grain. Different types of farming methods produce varying results.

The power of genetics
- Marbling can also be affected by genetics. For example breeds such as Wagyu, a Bos Taurus breed of cattle marble extensively
- It does have a positive effect on eating quality, and it is this marbling that contributes to the juiciness and
flavour of meat.
- Marble scores are based on the amount and distribution of marbling through the eye muscle that makes
up a striploin.
- In Australia marble scores are measured from 0-9+