Chump is prepared from a leg chump-on and is removed by a straight cut approximately 12mm from the hip joint and at right angles across the primal. This cut is the equivalent of the rump of beef and comes from the point where the leg meets the shortloin. The chump can be prepared further into chump chops or the rump.

The forequarter is prepared from a goat side by a cut along the vertical line of a specified rib. The goat forequarter is made up of many well-known basic cuts of goat including the neck, the shank, the shoulder rack and the square cut shoulder. There are two forequarters per carcase. Most cuts from the forequarter perform best when cooked slowly.

All the leg cuts are prepared from a leg- chump on by following their natural seams and trimmed accordingly. For best results, sear in hot pan/grill first, and then transfer to oven to finish. Cook to no more than medium. There are two sets of leg cuts per carcase.

Neck is prepared from a carcase by a cut through and between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae which is the dorsal cutting line preparation for the square cut shoulder. The atlas and portion of the axis neck vertebrae may be removed to facilitate hygiene requirements.

Tenderloin (fillet) is prepared from the side by removing the muscles in one piece from the ventral surface of the lumbar vertebrae and lateral surface of the ilium.