Forequarter is prepared from a side by a cut along the contour of the specified rib to the ventral edge and at right angles through the thoracic vertebrae separating the forequarter and the hindquarter.

Hindshank is prepared from a leg and consists of the tibia, tarsus and calcaneal tuber bones and associated muscles. The hindshank is removed from the leg by a cut through the heel muscle of the silverside, through the stifle joint separating the tibia and the femur. The shank is tipped at the caudal level of the shin meat on the tibia.

Neck is prepared from a carcase by a cut through and between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae which is the dorsal cutting line preparation for the square cut shoulder. The atlas and portion of the axis neck vertebrae may be removed to facilitate hygiene requirements.

Lamb ribs are prepared from the ribs, backbone, and in some cases, the rib eye muscle. The meat in lamb ribs is close to the bone, which makes them very flavourful. Lamb ribs are perfect for braising and grilling. As they are mainly bone, they usually take a longer time to cook than most lamb cuts.

Foreshank is prepared from a forequarter and consists of the radius, ulna, carpus and distal portion of the humerus bones and associated muscles. The foreshank is removed from the forequarter by a cut following the breast and flap distal end of the humerus bone cutting line. The shank is tipped at the cranial level of the shin meat on the radius.